If you are in a hurry and want to check out the brand I use : top-deals-online.com Click on “SHOW MORE” if you want more about the benefits of electronic cigarettes. You must check it out but only if you are serious about stopping smoking. Over the years, so many articles have been written to highlight the best way to stop smoking. Arguments have been made whether such or such a method is superior over others and so on. You are probably reading this article because you SERIOUSLY want to stop smoking, right? Otherwise, stop reading now because the action plans will have no relevancy for you. In most cases that I have come across, smokers knows the facts above the danger of smoking. They have seen the effect that it can do their health. They sometimes feel that it is not fair that their loved ones can be affected as well with the secondary smoke. But one thing that I cannot do….I cannot stop!! The reason is that among the 400 types of substances that are contain in a puff of cigarette (some of which are the sources of cancerous elements), NICOTINE is the one that is ADDICTIVE. Just like caffeine in coffee (some people cannot start working without first drinking a cup of Starbucks), the addictive nature of Nicotine are much more powerful. If you can wean yourself off this addiction, then you are on the right track. So, comes the nicotine patches, the drugs such as Zyban and Chantix, the systems such as buddy system and loads of others. I have tried many of them. But the …