Any one of you still glad that you quit smoking cigarette or you still miss cigarettes?

I would like to see how many people quit smoking but still miss it or they hate it after when you quit smoking?
I am so happy that I quit and don’t want to smoke again!
I would like to hear from you.

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8 thoughts on “Any one of you still glad that you quit smoking cigarette or you still miss cigarettes?”

  1. I would smoke a few cigarettes not enough to call myself a smoker, but my late husband did smoke and he was very glad to quit for Jehovah God. when I stand near someone who smokes, they smell so bad. years ago this woman smoked and when I past her, you had to hold your breath because she smelled so bad and she put perfume on top of the smell, it was awful

  2. i used to smoke and sometimes do on rare occassion but ive quit for the most part mainly cause my body builds resistance to drugs so fast its not even funny after 2 weeks of smoking cigarettes when i started i got absolutly no buzz this is without filters handrolled continued to smoke then realized how pointless it was when i was pretty much immune to the stuff.

  3. I quit 8 weeks ago because I had a heart attack and I really miss my cigarettes but I do not miss giving the government my hard earned when I am having a bad day with cravings I think about how much the government takes advantage of peoples addiction and how I will No longer give them another penny for cigarettes.

  4. I smoked from age 16-29, and I quit cold turkey. Best thing I ever did!!!
    Same with my husband. We did not quit at the same time, but we both have never missed them one bit!
    We both quit over 20 years ago! 🙂 🙂

  5. I was one of those that actually enjoyed smoking cigarettes. I enjoyed smoking after meals, before bed and first thing when I woke up, after certain "occasions" and for no apparent reason at all. I didn’t think I could EVER stop smoking cigarettes because quite frankly…. I didn’t want to (I even enjoyed the way the cigarette felt between my fingers)……

    Then I learned about Jehovah. Learning the TRUTH about God made me truly appreciate, love and draw close to Him. Learning of His promises, the hope for mankind and everything else Jehovah’s people are priviledged to know made me certain that I wanted to be around forever to praise Him. I prayed to Jehovah for the strength to help me quit the filthy habit (I started to view cigarettes as He does in light of the sacred Scriptures), I went to the toilet, took my cigarettes out of the pack, crushed them all and put them in the toilet, went to the bathroom on them, flushed them down the toilet and prayed that Jehovah always help me to remember how truly FILTHY they are.

    I got rid of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that would remind me of the cigarettes (ash-trays and things of that sort), made sure ALL my clothes were washed, cleaned my apartment thoroughly to remove the cigarette smell, cleaned my vehicle inside thoroughly, sought help from the true Christian congregation and haven’t regretted one moment of it. With Jehovah’s help, I quit "cold-turkey", people who knew me well were SHOCKED and thought that I must have been using some sort of patch, pill or gum! I told them that I didn’t need any of that but that Jehovah God supplied me the power of His holy spirit and that’s what helped me.

    Food tastes better, I can smell things better, have way more energy, save more money (think about it, cigarettes cost approx $7 per pack were I live, I would go through 1 pack every two days wich was approx 3 packs per week x 52 weeks per year = 156 packs of cigarettes x $7.00 per pack = $1092 per year…. UP IN SMOKE!), feel much healthier and most of ALL…. I know that Jehovah is pleased with my decision which makes me happy in a way that many ex smokers NOT truly KNOWING Jehovah may never come to know or understand.

    I quite years ago.

    Do I miss it? No way…. smoking STINKS…. literally.

    Also, individuals who DO SMOKE and consider themselves to be Christian… are only fooling themselves. NO *true* Christian would EVER smoke cigarettes and or cigars, being that doing so puts the misled individual in direct VIOLATION of the TWO greatest commandments:

    "He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.”
    – Matthew 22:40

    So again, I say, as well as the Scriptures show, that one simply CANNOT be a true Christian AND be a smoker at the same time…. whether or not they believe this is true is irrelevant….. as I stated, I myself was at one time a smoker (John 4:23, 24).


  6. When I decided to get reinstated I stopped smoking , it was not easy , that was around 2 years ago . I do not miss it but every now & then I do get the urge to have a smoke but I find the urge passes as quickly as it strikes & it is becoming less frequent .
    I don’t like being around people who smoke now as the smell makes me feel ill & I can smell it on people .
    I feel better , have more spending money & best of all I am looking after the body Jehovah was kind enough to let me have & feel my worship acceptable to Jehovah.
    Like you I will not be smoking again

  7. Hello Edoedo. Yes I am still glad that I quit smoking. Yes I still miss cigarettes. I enjoyed smoking. I enjoyed blowing the smoke out. I felt comfortable with that object between my fingers. The whole thing of opening the pack, tapping the cigarette, taking that first drag . . . it was a pleasant ritual. And smoking relaxed me as nothing else could. But I wanted to serve Jehovah. He helped me quit. Twice.

    It is not just a physical addiction. For many it is also an emotional and psychological addiction. Sort of like a comfort food. That is what it was for me. Sometimes, for some people, the desire for a cigarette never goes away. I don’t mean it’s an on-going thing day to day. But sometimes, even years after you quit, you can want a cigarette. I am one of those. I was hooked all three ways. I still remember how much I enjoyed smoking and occasionally I will reach for a cigarette that is not even there – force of habit. I was terrified that I would have to give up coffee, wine, margaritas and iced tea because I always smoked cigarettes with those drinks and smoking is very knee-jerk. Morning coffee? Cigarette. After a meal? Cigarette. But when Jehovah delivered me, he did so in such a way that I did not have to give up those things.

    I do not want to smoke again ever. I am happy that I quit but I will not lie – I really liked it. And if it were not for Jehovah, I would pick up the habit again.

    Hannah J Paul

  8. I never had to quit that disgusting vice because I never got hooked on it. Now sex, well……………………………..

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