11 thoughts on “How do i quit smoking when i have no money?”

  1. Smoking is all about your emotional beliefs. It may sound strange, but smoking makes your brain consider it to be as important as food – and, by extension, your attempts to quit to be similar to a suicide. No wonder so many people struggle!

    Armed with this knowledge, you can then rationally decide what beliefs enable the addiction ("Cigarettes help me relax", etc.) and then destroy these beliefs with logic.

  2. Throw your fags away and replace them with mints, when you get the urge for a cigarette pop a mint in your mouth and think of something that takes your mind off smoking.

  3. "As with anything you have to do it gradually. If you have one pack a day habit ,smoke 1/2 of them, then 1/4 then like 3 a day. Then none. I have quit twice and never used a step down program.
    Here are some tips you can use.
    Cutting down the amount of cigarettes you smoke each day, until you simply do away with them, is another method that has worked for some. This method requires a firm plan in place, or you’ll find that in stressful situations you may say to yourself, Well, just this once, I can have an extra one.

    No, you can’t. Set your daily goal (X amount of cigarettes) and don’t let yourself deviate from it. When you feel an urge to light up, crunch on a carrot stick, celery, or chew a piece of gum. Need another urge-killer? Keep a rubber band on your wrist and snap it against your skin to remind yourself of the importance of what you are accomplishing. Write down every reason you can think of to quit and refer to it often. Got kids? Place pictures of them nearby so you can tell yourself you are doing this to live longer for them. "

  4. I quit cold turk 20 years ago. I made up my mind to do it and I did it. I carried a pack of cigs. with me at all times as an insurance in case I could not make it. But as long as I knew that I had cigs with me I knew I was always in control. I never got in to that pack.

  5. 1. Stop buying cigarettes. My parents complain about how we’re broke, but they go out and by cigarettes, which, as you obviously know, are expensive.
    2. Stick a toothpick in your mouth to feel as though you have one..
    3. Everytime you think of smoking, pop a mint in your mouth, as someone already stated.

  6. will power……at night time when u go to bed think about it …tell ur self that tomorrow is new day and u will smoke no more….tell ur self bad negative parts of smoking….and u said u have no money…then how u find money to buy them…..save that dollars for something good…

  7. Either go gold turkey and just stop suddenly, or you can slowly reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke until it is zero.

  8. it is almost impossible to quit smoking (i KNOW) if you could save some money try to get those new e-cigs i have heard from people that tried them it does make quiting smoking a lot easier. and try buying les cigs to save up the money 4 the e-cigs

  9. those desires to smoke are called cravings.. people in support groups have some tools to deal with them.. one of my favorites is known as the 5d’s

    Distract (do something else) for instance its hard to smoke doing dishes

    Delay (i don’t need one right now).. continued delays = a quit!!

    Discuss you did that by asking the question, people in support groups do it in meetings or e-mails

    Drink Water, it helps reduce cravings, and flushes toxins

    Deep breathe, most smokers only breathe deeply when inhaling!!

    the good news is that i now have been quit for over 5 years.. i quit trying to quit alone, and joined a support group.. i attend nicotine anonymous meetings both locally and on line.. on line voice meetings are he as close as your computer, and you can attend while still smoking, before actually attempting a quit.. however you decide to quit good luck, there is simply no wrong way to quit!!

    Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.

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